Lazy Company
With an experience of crowd interaction Lazy Company are very happy to give the public a taste of a day in the life of a solider during the cold war period. With access to genuine equipment including steel and kevlar helmets, body armour, load carrying equipment and imitation weapons, Lazy Company are able to help the public understand the difficulties facing the military personnel on the ground in hostile environments.
Our normal static living history displays include group and portrayed unit information boards as well as information boards for the equipment and weapons that we have on display. Lazy Company can display many relevant items of equipment, realistic imitation weapons and a soldier’s individual issue equipment. Our static displays also include children’s dress up kit including small sized sets of webbing, camouflage shirts, child friendly helmets and light plastic imitation rifles. With permission and in full view of the public, our members will involve our new recruits on a pre-set short patrol of the event area.
Lazy Company members hold full public liability insurance and are experienced in dealing with the public. We are also more than happy to provide a non-static display at an event, which have included unit patrols, checkpoints and casualty evacuations to name a few examples.

Our equipment & resources
Lazy Company hold a large array of realistic imitation weapons from sidearms & assault rifles through to support weapons including different variants of M16’s, M60 machine guns, Thompson submachine guns, M1911 pistols, AK47’s etc.
With genuine issue Cold War uniforms and equipment, we are able to bring a live learning aid to schools, groups and clubs. Lazy Company are able to bring multiple sets of equipment into the learning environment to enable participants to experience the look and feel of this equipment, and to experience the sort of punishing loads that military personnel carry.
We can also demonstrate and educate as to how restrictive and difficult it is for military personnel whilst wearing protective body armour and helmets.
With our safe imitation weapons, you can look down the sights of an assault rifle and experience what it is like to fight whilst being fully loaded with equipment. View and handle the food types that sustain military personnel for long periods while on deployment – a far cry from home cooked meals!
With the roots of our group being involved with large themed Airsoft events where immersion is the most important aim of the event, re-enacting has become second nature to our members.
From these Airsoft events combined with research and contact with veterans, our members have developed a good working knowledge with regards to such things as reacting to incoming enemy fire, setting an ambush and even responding to a chemical attack while being mindful to remain in full view of and to be able to respond to the reactions of the audience.
In addition to our non-speaking actors Lazy Company are able to supply a comprehensive inventory of military related items. Our inventory includes genuine issue-
- Body amour/flak vests
- Steel M1 helmets
- Kevlar helmets
- Caps, Boonies and Berets
- Different camouflage uniform patters including US. Woodland BDU, Desert Tri colour DCU, Desert 6 colour Choc-Chip, green fatigues, British Woodland DPM etc.
- Personal load carrying equipment including US. A.L.I.C.E. webbing, British PLCE webbing, Black assault vests, duty/sidearm belts etc.
- Vehicles including a 1976 M151A2 Ford Mutt (American military jeep)
- Lazy Company hold a large array of realistic imitation weapons from sidearms & assault rifles through to support weapons including different variants of M16’s, M60 machine guns, Thompson submachine guns, M1911 pistols, AK47’s etc.
- Our inventory also includes inert ammunition, period squad radios, stretchers, flashlights, etc.
In addition to our inventory on military equipment Lazy Company holds a large array of civilian clothing including suits, trilby’s, workwear etc
With the resources available Lazy Company are able to portray a most branches of the US. Military from the late 1960’s trough to the early 2000’s , plus many different civilian roles.
Contact Us
- Lazy Company
Suffolk, UK